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نشكركم على طرح السؤال : Why do you want to be a doctor؟ 

ونحن  في موقع محلولة الموقع القيم الذي يتشارك فيه عدد من الطلبة والاساتذة من المدارس الاهلية والتي يقومون بدورهم في مساعدتهم وتحفيزهم على المذاكرة والدراسه 

وقام فريقنا باستقبال السؤال Why do you want to be a doctor؟ لطرح الاجابة النموذجية الخاصه به

والاجابة هي كالتالي : I aspire to pursue a career in medicine driven by a profound passion for healthcare and an unwavering commitment to alleviating human suffering.

 Passion for Healthcare:  Medicine captivates me with its intricate blend of science, empathy, and the opportunity to make a tangible difference in people's lives. I am fascinated by the complex workings of the human body and the intricate interplay between disease and health.

 Altruism and Compassion:  I am deeply moved by the vulnerability and resilience of individuals facing health challenges. I believe that doctors have a solemn duty to provide compassionate care, alleviate pain, and restore hope to those in need. This altruistic spirit fuels my desire to dedicate my life to serving others.

 Intellectual Curiosity and Problem-Solving:** Medicine presents a constant intellectual challenge that I find incredibly stimulating. The ever-evolving nature of medical knowledge demands continuous learning and innovative thinking. I relish the opportunity to engage in research and embrace new technologies to advance patient care.

 Impact on Society:  Doctors play a pivotal role in promoting the health and well-being of our communities. I am eager to contribute to public health initiatives, raise awareness about preventable diseases, and empower individuals to make informed healthcare decisions. By improving the health of individuals, I believe I can have a positive ripple effect on entire communities.

 Personal Growth and Fulfillment:  A career in medicine offers a unique blend of intellectual, emotional, and social growth. The opportunity to learn, care for others, and witness the profound impact of my work would bring immense personal fulfillment and a deep sense of purpose.



نتمنى لكم التوفيق ولا تنسوا باضافة موقعنا للمفضلة للحصول على الاجابات او طرح اسئلتكم لنجيب عنها اول باول عبر موقع محلولة 

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Why do you want to be a doctor؟
مشكلتك محلولة مع موقع محلولة , حيث يمكنك طرح مشكلتك او سؤالك ليجيب عنك فريق عمل الموقع والاعضاء نحن سعداء لمساعدتكم

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